The National Sea Grant Law Center


  • Meet NSGLC Summer Research Associate: Collin Dowson

  • June 5th, 2024 — Category: Staff

  • The National Sea Grant Law Center is excited to welcome Summer Research Associate — Collin Dowson, a 2L at the Pritzker School of Law at Northwestern University.

    1. Where are you from?

    I am from a small town in Wisconsin called Tomah.

    2. What was your first job?

    My first major job was as a Constituent Services Intern, and then as the Oversight Assistant, in the Office of Governor Tony Evers. In this role, I supervised the work of the office’s interns and provided them with daily feedback on their performance. I also monitored the Governor’s public email inbox, and facilitated communication between departments within the office.

    3. Who inspires you?

    I have had the great fortune of consistently working and learning alongside fantastic people, many of whom I have found highly inspirational. Some standouts include the hardworking public servants I met while in the Governor’s office, and my fellow law students at Northwestern.

    4. What made you consider a career in law?

    From a very young age, I was interested in the idea of a career where I could use my knowledge to help people. As I grew older, I learned about the important role the law played in so many different aspects of life. I saw how lawyers, no matter where they were, were involved in meaningful work that made a genuine difference in people’s lives, and I decided that I wanted to do the same.

    5. What are you most excited about doing this summer?

    This summer, I’m excited to expand my experience in legal research and writing. I’m also excited to interact with legal professionals, and to learn more about the work they do on a daily basis.

    6. Where’s your favorite beach? OR What is your favorite beach memory?

    My favorite beach is Coronado beach just outside of San Diego. Because of a mineral in the sand, called mica, the whole beach glitters like gold, which really makes it stand out from other beaches I’ve been to. It also helps that the water is warm and clean!

    7. What do you do in your free time?

    In my free time, I enjoy reading and writing. I also love playing Dungeons & Dragons.

    8. Do you have any hidden talents? What are they?

    One talent that I have that most people don’t know about is my acting ability. Though it's been a while since my last performance, I was involved in a number of plays and musicals throughout my teenage years.

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