The National Sea Grant Law Center


  • Meet NSGLC Summer Research Associate: Crystal Lawson

  • June 3rd, 2024 — Category: Staff

  • The National Sea Grant Law Center is excited to welcome Summer Research Associate — Crystal Lawson, a 3L at the Mitchell Hamline School of Law.

    1. Where are you from?

    Howe, Texas.

    2. What was your first job?

    Environmental Scientist for a national engineering firm.

    3. Who inspires you?

    My parents. My father who served in the US Army for 20 years and my mother who left everything she knew behind to marry my dad and move to a county where she didn’t speak the language and didn’t know the culture. Both of them have shown me what courage and hard work really means.

    4. What made you consider a career in law?

    It was a natural progression in my career, as I have been working with federal, state, and local agencies for a while now on regulatory and legal issues. Plus, I have always been fascinated with how the law intersects with environmental science.

    5. What are you most excited about doing this summer?

    Having the opportunity to continue to work on an issue that I have been researching and tracking independently for the past 10 years, but from a different angle.

    6. Where’s your favorite beach? OR What is your favorite beach memory?

    I don’t have a favorite beach, but I know that the beaches that I have loved the most have been in Denmark and Ireland. Mostly because I can remember the quiet at those beaches, people were not there swimming or vacationing. It was more peaceful.

    7. What do you do in your free time?

    All of my free time is dedicated to my family. We are in a chapter of life where our kids are involved in academic activities and sporting activities, so we value any free time that we have to have family time.

    8. Do you have any hidden talents? What are they?

    My hidden talent is that I use to play soccer on a very competitive level.

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