NPDES Permit Issued for Aquaculture Activities in the Gulf of Mexico
June 29th, 2022 — by Betsy Randolph — Category: Aquaculture
On June 8, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a five-year National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for Ocean Era’s offshore aquaculture project in the Gulf of Mexico.
The National Sea Grant Law Center has selected Zachary Evans, a rising 2L at Albany Law School in New York, for the 2022 Sea Grant Law Diversity Internship Program (SGLDIP). Over the summer, Zach will gain experience in the field of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes law, with an emphasis on issues facing underrepresented or indigenous communities. In addition to working with the NSGLC, Zach will work with Virginia Coastal Policy Center, the 2022 SGLDIP partner.
The National Sea Grant Law Center is excited to welcome Kennady Hertz for its Community Engaged Internship (CEI) for the summer of 2022. Kennady is a Public Policy Leadership major at the University of Mississippi Lott Leadership Institute.
Each summer, the National Sea Grant Law Center hires a full-time law student. This summer’s Research Associate is Betsy Randolph, a rising 2L at Lewis & Clark Law School. Over the course of the summer, Betsy will contribute to the NSGLC’s research projects and publications. We asked Betsy several questions to get to know her better.