A major aspect of the NSGLC mission is to enhance the educational experiences of students interested in ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes law. This summer, the NSGLC is hosting four student interns who are conducting research on an array of topics, including flooding mitigation, coastal resilience, tribal water rights, fisheries, Rights of Nature, and lead in drinking water. Two of the students are participating in collaborative programs: the Sea Grant Law Diversity Internship Program, in which the NSGLC has partnered with the Virginia Coastal Policy Center, and Sea Grant’s Community Engaged Internship. In this webinar, the students will discuss their internship experiences and present findings from their research projects.
In 2021, the Center for Water Policy at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences hired its first post-doc Water Policy Specialists: Misbah Husain, J.D., Boston College Law School, and Sarah Martinez, J.D., University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law. Both are Sea Grant UW Water Science-Policy Fellows. In this webinar, Sarah and Misbah will share their experiences working with the Center’s research team over the past year, some of their research findings, and how they interacted with the public and private sector in Wisconsin to inform policy making around water issues.
Per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) are an emerging contaminant with known human health effects. Federal and state policymakers have taken several major actions in recent months to address PFAS contamination, and lawsuits continue to be filed and make their way through the court system. In this webinar, NSGLC attorneys Catherine Janasie and Olivia Deans will provide an overview of the current PFAS regulatory approaches of the federal and state governments, highlight some of the ongoing policy gaps and areas of concern, and discuss some lawsuits to keep an eye on.
In 2018, Georgia Sea Grant received a legal enhancement grant from the National Sea Grant Law Center to develop legal and outreach capacity to engage in regional work in collaboration with the Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS). In this webinar, presenters Shana Jones, Georgia Sea Grant Legal Program Director, and Michelle Covi, Georgia Sea Grant Coastal Resilience DOD Liaison, provided an overview of the project and its key outcomes, which included laying the foundation for the establishment of a Sea Grant Coastal Resilience Department of Defense Liaison in September 2021.
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