September 13, 2016, 2:00 pm (CST) National Sea Grant Law Center's Advisory Service Webinar
The National Sea Grant Law Center Advisory Service is a legal research service provided free of charge to the Sea Grant College Program and its constituents. Upon receipt of an advisory request, the Law Center works with the requesting program to identify the discrete legal questions, performs legal research, and prepares a final product. Advisory Service products take a variety of forms, including formal memorandum of law, white papers, fact sheets, and presentations. Join us to learn more about the advisory service and how it works, and hear updates on recently completed requests. For more information on the advisory service, visit
August 9, 2016, 2:00 pm (CST) Sea Grant Legal Network: Training the Next Generation of Attorneys
What image pops to mind when someone mentions the Sea Grant graduate educational opportunities? Fledging marine biologists and coastal engineers toiling away in labs and in the field collecting data for masters and Ph.D. theses? Sea Grant does provide a lot of educational experience and training for traditional graduate students. But, did you know Sea Grant is also training the next generation of attorneys to tackle the challenging management issues that are sure to arise in the next 50 years? Around the country, Sea Grant legal programs are enhancing law school curriculums and employing law students as research assistants. In addition to providing stakeholders with critical legal research, law students also work in the field and directly interact with coastal communities to understand the context in which coastal legal and policy issues arise. Several former students have successfully competed for accepted as Knauss fellows and many pursue careers in environmental law. Join us to learn more about our graduate educational programs and hear from former students about what the experience meant to them and their careers.
July 12, 2016, 2:00 pm (CST) Webinar on NSGLC's Current Water Research
We all know that water is one of our most essential natural resources. However, in the United States, the management of water resources is increasingly becoming complicated and contested. The news recently has been filled with these issues, whether it is the lead crisis in Flint, MI, droughts in the Western U.S., or disputes over scarce water resources. In this webinar, Research Counsel Catherine Janasie will provide an overview of some of the National Sea Grant Law Center’s recent research on water quality and quantity. Topics covered will include research on the Safe Drinking Water Act, water allocation policies, and current interstate water disputes before the Supreme Court of the United States. These cases include Florida v. Georgia, which places Florida’s oyster industry and overall ecological health against Atlanta’s need for water, and Mississippi v. Tennessee, where the Supreme Court of the United States will consider an interstate dispute over groundwater for the first time.
June 14, 2016, 2:00 pm (CST) NSGLC Advisory Service Webinar
The National Sea Grant Law Center Advisory Service is a legal research service provided free of charge to the Sea Grant College Program and its constituents. Upon receipt of an advisory request, the Law Center works with the requesting program to identify the discrete legal questions, performs legal research, and prepares a final product. Advisory Service products take a variety of forms, including formal memorandum of law, white papers, fact sheets, and presentations. Join us to learn more about the advisory service and how it works, and hear updates on recently completed requests. For more information on the advisory service, visit
May 10, 2016, 2:00 pm (CST) Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal 2016 Symposium Series
In 2008, the National Sea Grant Law Center re-launched the Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal, previously published by the State University of New York at Buffalo from 1976-1980. The Journal is an Open Access online journal that provides a forum for the timely discussion and exploration of legal topics of relevance to the Sea Grant network of extension agents, researchers, coastal managers and users, and local decision-makers. Each year, the Journal funds symposia that aim to build relationships between Sea Grant Programs and a law school in the state. Three Sea Grant programs successfully competed for funding in the Journal’s 2015-2016 Symposium Series competition. The winning proposals were: (1) Texas Sea Grant: Improving Cooperation for a Sustainable Gulf of Mexico after the 2014 Mexican Energy Reforms; (2) Minnesota Sea Grant: Upper Great Lakes Law and Policy Symposium: Ballast, Bakken and Binational Governance; and (3) Connecticut Sea Grant: Resilience Planning and the Big Picture: Connecting Land, Sea and Finance. Each symposium, held in Spring 2016, will generate an issue of the Journal later this year. Join us for a webinar to learn more about these symposia and the application process for the 2016-2017 Symposium Series.
April 12, 2016, 2:00 pm (CST) Working on a Multi-State Level to Address the Threat of Invasive Species
Aquatic invasive species pose a significant environmental and economic threat to the ecosystems around the country. The National Sea Grant Law Center supports federal and state efforts to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species by providing technical assistance and conducting legal research and outreach to inform policy discussions. Our work with state natural resources agencies is facilitated primarily through our partnership with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and funding from the regional panels of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force. Join us to learn more about these partnerships and the National Sea Grant Law Center’s invasive species work, including workshops for assistant attorneys general, research on discrete topics, and the development of model legislation and regulations for state watercraft inspection and decontamination programs. For more information about these and other invasive species projects, visit
March 8, 2016, 2:00 pm (CST) NSGLC Advisory Service - Quarterly Update
The National Sea Grant Law Center Advisory Service is a legal research service provided free of charge to the Sea Grant College Program and its constituents. Upon receipt of an advisory request, the Law Center works with the requesting program to identify the discrete legal questions, performs legal research, and prepares a final product. Advisory Service products take a variety of forms, including formal memorandum of law, white papers, fact sheets, and presentations. Join us to learn more about the advisory service and how it works, and hear updates on recently completed requests. For more information on the advisory service, visit
February 9, 2016 Agricultural & Food Law Consortium
The Agricultural & Food Law Consortium is a national, multi-institutional collaboration designed to enhance and expand the development and delivery of authoritative, timely, and objective agricultural and food law research and information. The National Sea Grant Law Center is a founding member of the Consortium and contributes expertise on a variety of topics including aquaculture law and water quality issues. Join us to learn more about the Consortium’s work and members, our role and current projects, and upcoming events. For more information about the Consortium, please visit
January 12, 2016 Preserving the Working Waterfront: Stories from Around the Nation
In 2014, the National Sea Grant Law Center, Maine Sea Grant, and NOAA’s Office for
Coastal Management received funding through the NOAA Preserve America Initiative to capture and preserve oral histories showcasing working waterfront preservation efforts. Ten working waterfront champions were invited to share the story of their community’s working waterfront initiative. The resulting “Preserving the Working Waterfront” oral history collection includes audio recordings of the full interviews, transcripts of the interviews and audio slideshows highlighting key elements of their stories. The webinar will feature the screening of several audio slideshows followed by a dialogue with several project interviewees. In addition, the webinar will introduce the related Sustainable Working Waterfronts Toolkit and its existing case studies and tools. For more information on the project and to view the slideshows, please visit the National Working Waterfront Network’s website at:
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