The National Sea Grant Law Center

Sea Grant Law & Policy Journal


This guide is to assist writers in preparing information for publication in the Sea Grant Law & Policy Journal. For questions not addressed in this guide, contact the Journal at

Articles must be submitted electronically in Word format to the Journal at Submission deadlines are determined in collaboration with symposium planning committees and must be complied with to ensure timely publication of Journal editions. Authors will be notified of submission deadlines during the invitation and confirmation process for each special issue.

Authors should adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Articles should be fewer than 15,000 words.
  2. Papers should be formatted with Times New Roman 12 point type, with one inch margins.
  3. References should be cited in footnotes.
  4. Citation of references should conform to The Bluebook: a Uniform System of Citation.
  5. Authors who reuse text and visuals from other publications must acquire the appropriate copyright permission. For other inquiries regarding graphics or illustrations, contact the Journal at

Articles will be circulated to at least two, outside peer reviewers identified by the symposium planning committee. Authors will be given the opportunity to respond to reviewer comments and revise their papers as appropriate.

Download the Current Issue

Download the March 2024 issue of the
Sea Grant Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 13:1


Want updates on new issues & symposia? Contact Catherine Janasie at

Questions Not Addressed in the Journal Guide?

For information not addressed in this guide, contact Catherine Janasie at

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